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We get these questions
a lot...

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Q. How do you train puppies?

A. There are three important things to know about the way we train. 

  1. Our training method is commonly known as ‘Clicker Training’ - we use a ‘clicker’ to let the puppy know exactly what she did correctly and we give them a small treat each time we click.  We’ll teach you how to use it and you’ll see how quickly your puppy learns with this method. 

  2. We focus on your puppy’s emotions - we want them to feel happy and good when learning manners and about life - it really is all about the ‘feels’.

  3. We focus on teaching, not correcting - it’s one of the reasons our training method is so successful for both ends of the leash!

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Q. Don’t I need to wait until my puppy has had all her vaccines before attending class?

A. Actually you don’t! And you shouldn’t! The earlier you begin your puppy’s training                      (especially the socialization part) the more likely your puppy will grow up into an adult dog        you’ll enjoy living with. In fact, we think of early puppy training as a sort of behavior                  vaccination for your pup! 

The last thing we’d do is put puppies at risk!

If you’re worried about disease, this should put your mind at ease:

Read why the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior urges you to take advantage of early puppy socialization classes to avoid common behavior problems in later life.

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Q. My puppy is fine—why should I worry about training, socialization and prevention?

A. Simply put, fine works until it fails!. Young puppies are generally easy going and relaxed           about new people, dogs, and experiences. But as they get older, that can change fast.             Socialization is a systematic process that guards against that change and the unwanted             fear-and-aggression behaviors associated with under-socialization or negative puppy                 experiences. Why take a chance that your puppy will be fine for life? We prefer to use             the other ‘f’ word with puppies and we can help your puppy go from fine to fabulous!

Here’s the bottom line: You can train manners whenever you like (YEP, we say that!) but you’ve only got one shot at socialization—and that shot is right now.

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Q. I’ve had dogs in the past and I know how to socialize my puppy.

Why do I need a class to do it?

A. The science of dog training and our understanding of dog behavior development have              evolved significantly in recent years. We trainers who stay abreast of continuing                      professional development are doing things much differently than even five years ago.

We want you to benefit from that evolving knowledge.

Also, our puppy classes are FUN for both ends of the leash—we’d hate for you to miss out!

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Q. I want to teach my puppy to sit, walk nicely on leash, come when called, and listen to me. Are you going to help me do that?

A. We want you to teach your puppy all those things, too, and we’ll                     absolutely help you do it! But if you’ve got a baby puppy aged 16 weeks         or younger, it’s vitally important that we also get her socialized.

 Basic manners are much less useful if your friendly puppy grows up into a   fearful or aggressive dog. So enroll in one of our baby puppy programs   right away and we’ll make sure your pup gets everything she needs to be   a wonderful companion now and throughout her life! 

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Q. There are lots of puppy classes out there—why should I pick yours?

A. First, see the answer to the previous question. And here are 4 more reasons:

  1. We keep our classes super small (no more than 6 puppies!) so you enjoy lots of individual instruction and coaching.

  2. We use only positive, force-free training with full transparency.

  3. Our online classes provide tremendous convenience.

  4. We are the most highly credentialed puppy trainers in Newfoundland & Labrador.

(Plus, we’re really nice and super fun to work with.)

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Step 2: Grow with us

Continuing education for your new best friend, relief from tangly teenager for you!

Playful & Patient Pups Class

Happy Trails & Recall Class

Private Problem Solving

Live Educational Webinars

Learn more about training for puppies 5-9 months old.

Q. I’m not sure about online training—does that really work?


A. It does! In fact, in many ways it works better than training together in person.

We know that sounds surprising. Honestly it surprised us at first, too. Now it’s become our favorite way to train, in no small part because we’re blown away by the results our puppy students and clients are achieving.

Here’s the thing: We were never training your puppy anyway—we were teaching you to train your puppy. When we remove ourselves from the picture, that happens faster. Makes sense when you think about it that way, right?


Read more about why we love online puppy training—and what our clients say, too.

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Step 3: Stay with us

Behavior polish for your dynamic canine a lifetime of perfect companionship for you!

Real-Life Manners Class

Private Finishing School Consults

Live Educational Webinars

Learn more about training for dogs 10 months & older.

Q. Do I have to train online? Do you do puppy training in person?

A. We offer a range of puppy training services.

Some of our programs are online, some are in person, and some are a combination of both. Each program description includes those details. Whatever program you choose, you’ll enjoy active, real-time, live teaching and hands on support from us.

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Q. My puppy is shy. Will your puppy classes help?

A. YES! Please, please enroll your shy puppy in class.

It will do her a world of good, and we can’t wait to watch her blossom!

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Q. My puppy is a wild child. Will your puppy classes help?

A. YES! Please, please enroll your wild puppy in class.

It will do you a world of good, and we can’t wait to get you some relief!

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Q. I have an older puppy—can I still train with you?

A. Absolutely.

If your puppy is between 5 - 9 months of age when we meet for the first time, we welcome you into our Private Puppy Training Program.

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Q. I have an adult dog—can I still train with you?

A. We only work with adult dogs that we helped train as puppies or

have worked with in the past. We’re sorry for this.

It’s not that we wouldn’t love to work with you, but we simply don’t have the room to fit everyone.

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Due to new professional work opportunities our schedule is limited.
As a result, we are not able to offer any new private puppy packages or
group puppy programs at this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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