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Due to new professional work opportunities our schedule is limited.
As a result, we are not able to offer any new private puppy packages or
group puppy programs at this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Start with Us
Congratulations on your baby puppy!

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We're so glad you're getting started while your puppy is young.
There is so much to do, and
NOW is the perfect time to do it!


8-16 weeks of age is the time to:

Tackle house training before bad habits set in

Teach your puppy to keep those sharp teeth off your skin and clothes

Show your puppy the world is a safe place

Help your puppy feel comfortable being left on her own

Lay the groundwork for an easy-going, social adult dog for life

Start the foundation for a well-behaved, responsive dog

Watch How We Train Puppies

Watch How We Train Puppies

Play Video

Overwhelmed by puppy energy and antics? We can help.
Dreaming of an adult dog you can take anywhere and trust in any situation?
The work for that begins right now.

Let’s get started!

Choose your path to Start With Us:

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Puppy Start Right Preschool
Puppy Preschool
Private PSR
Puppy Start Right Private Preschool 
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Meet Your Puppy Trainers 
We love puppies!
Really, though, who doesn’t?

What we love even more is helping our clients enjoy the best in their pups, and watching those pups grow up into well-adjusted,
polite adult dogs through the power of positive training and socialization.

Learn more about us, our professional qualifications, and how we train.
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Ready to start with your dynamic puppy?

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Call or email to schedule your

private puppy training today,

or sign up for class using a link above.

“Marty was your typical puppy…”

“Marty was your typical puppy, biting, jumping, stealing.

You'll get so much understanding of what your puppy is doing and why, and that you are not alone!

You get the skills to teach them to be the dog you want,

not reactively trying to keep him from being the dog you [don’t].” –Glen P.

Professional Affiliations

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Dynamic Canines Inc.™ All Rights Reserved ©


Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Statutory Holidays: Closed         

We offer professional puppy training classes, puppy social experience classes,
private puppy training and 
training services for returning clients in St. John’s, NL
and beyond the city limits with our live, online training programs.
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